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Recent Publications
- AN OVERVIEW OF CONTRACTUAL STABILITY AND THE DOCTRINE OF FRUSTRATION IN THE NIGERIAN OIL INDUSTRYby Simon Ejokema Imoisi (Irish International Journal of Law, Political Sciences and Administration) on February 14, 2025
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the intricacies surrounding contractual stability and the concept of frustration within the context of the Nigeria oil industry. With Nigeria being a prominent player in the global energy market, understanding the legal frameworks governing contracts in this sector is crucial. The study delves into the conceptual foundations of contractual stability and its significance in fostering sustainable business relationships. It explores the various factors contributing to contractual frustration, including unforeseen events, changes in economic […]
- ENHANCING HYDROPOWER PLANT EFFICIENCY AND RELIABILITY THROUGH DIGITAL TWIN TECHNOLOGYby Abubakar Aliyu Abba (Advance Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology) on February 14, 2025
Some power sectors face significant challenges, including aging infrastructure, frequent equipment failures, and high maintenance costs, which hinder reliable electricity supply. This study explores the application of Digital Twin (DT) technology for predictive maintenance in hydropower plants, aiming to improve operational efficiency, reduce unscheduled downtime, and enhance grid resilience. Using a quantitative approach, real-time and historical data from hydropower station were analyzed to assess the impact of DT integration. Results indicate that DT technology enables early fault […]
- CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION AND SELF-LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN STUDENTS OF TEACHER EDUCATION IN NIGERIAby Victor Ojorka Akor, PhD, Juliana Echeonwu , Dominic Solomon Ojonugwa PhD (Advance Journal Of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) on February 14, 2025
The study investigated curriculum implementation and self-leadership development in students of teacher education in Nigeria. Two research questions were answered and one hypothesis tested. The study adopted descriptive survey design with a population of 600 students in the Faculty of Education, Prince Abubakar Audu University, Anyigba. A sample size of 300 students was drawn using the stratified disproportionate random sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was a 10- item questionnaire validated by three experts and it gave a reliability coefficient of 0.76 obtained using […]
- LEVERAGING DIGITAL TWIN TECHNOLOGY FOR ENHANCED OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY AND RELIABILITY IN COMPLEX SYSTEMSby Abubakar Aliyu Abba (Irish International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences) on February 14, 2025
Digital twin technology has emerged as a groundbreaking approach for modeling, simulating, and optimizing complex systems across diverse industries. This informative research examines the benefits of digital twin technology in improving operational efficiency and reliability within such systems. By analyzing existing literature and case studies, the researcher highlights the significant advantages of digital twins, such as real-time monitoring, predictive analytics, and proactive maintenance strategies. Additionally, future opportunities and directions for utilizing digital twin technology to […]
- THE DESECRATION, DESTRUCTION AND DISPLACEMENT: A CASE STUDY OF THE 2022 NIGERIAN FLOODby Summer Okibe (Irish Journal of Environment and Earth Sciences) on February 14, 2025
One of the worst floods to ever hit Nigeria occurred in 2022 as a result of a combination of strong seasonal rainfall and water released from the Lagdo Dam in Cameroon. 33 of the 36 states in Nigeria were hit by this calamity, which claimed over 600 lives and forced 1.4 million people to from their homes. The enormous effects of the flood brought to light serious shortcomings in Nigeria's response and preparedness mechanisms for disasters. The objectives of this research are to appraise the devastation and uprooting brought about by the floods of 2022, appraise the efficacy of early warning […]
- DIGITAL AND INTELLIGENT APPROACH FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLE INTEGRATION AND VEHICLE-TO-GRID INTERACTION: PREDICTION, EVALUATION, FLEXIBILITY AND RESILIENCYby Eke Chigozi (PhD), Obisike Kio Chima, Ugoji Prince Chukuladi , Agburuga Goodlife Nkwo (Advance Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology) on February 13, 2025
This study was an examination of digital and intelligent approach for electric vehicle integration and vehicle-to-grid interaction: prediction, evaluation, flexibility and resiliency. The diffusion of innovation theory was anchored in this study. This study adopted a qualitative research approach to explore the integration of electric vehicles (EVs) and Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) interaction, focusing on prediction, evaluation, flexibility, and resiliency. The population of the study consisted of stakeholders within the energy and transportation sectors in Nigeria, including representatives from […]
- NEXT-GENERATION MATERIALS AND DIGITALISATION FOR CARBON CAPTURE, UTILISATION AND STORAGE (CCUS): THE ROLE OF AI AND MACHINE LEARNINGby Eke Chigozi (PhD), Obisike Kio Chima, Ugoji Prince Chukuladi , Agburuga Goodlife Nkwo. (Irish International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences) on February 13, 2025
This study explored the role of next-generation materials and digitalization, particularly artificial intelligence and machine learning, in enhancing the efficiency, scalability, and cost-effectiveness of Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) technologies. The technological determinism theory was anchored in this study. This study adopted a qualitative research approach to explore the role of next-generation materials and digitalisation in Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS), with a particular focus on the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The […]
- KNOWLEDGE AND UTILIZATION OF ICT TOOLS IN HEALTHCARE DELIVERY AMONG HEALTH CENTER WORKERS IN PORT HARCOURT METROPOLISby Obed-Ojukwu, Lois Erowo , Onungwe, Helen Okparaji (Advance Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology) on February 13, 2025
Aim: This study investigates the level of knowledge and extent of utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools in healthcare delivery among health center workers in Port Harcourt Metropolis. Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive design was adopted, targeting healthcare workers in three universities in Rivers State: University of Port Harcourt (39 respondents), Rivers State University (48 respondents), and Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (42 respondents). A total of 129 participants were selected using convenience sampling. Data was collected using a […]
- STORYTELLING AND MARKETING SUCCESS OF FAST-MOVING CONSUMER GOODS FIRMS IN RIVERS STATEby H. Harcourt , E. T. Hart (British International Journal of Business and Marketing Research) on February 12, 2025
Storytelling is an integral part of social life and man is a social being that communicate to acquire knowledge of everything around his environment in order to survival. This concept holds significant importance in today's competitive marketplace, as it fosters emotional and cognitive interactions that enhance brand awareness, customer engagement that persuades consumers into taking purchasing actions. This study empirically aimed at understanding the relationship between storytelling and marketing success of fast-moving consumer goods firms in Rivers state. Storytelling was used as the […]
- STATE CONFLICT RESOLUTION STRATEGIES AND MANAGEMENT OF PROTRACTED ETHNO-RELIGIOUS CONFLICTS IN TARABA STATE NIGERIA, 1999-2022by Tukura Fwaje Daudu, Momodu A Jude Ph.D, Owonikoko B Saheed PhD (Irish International Journal of Law, Political Sciences and Administration) on February 11, 2025
Taraba State, which is located in the Northeastern part of Nigeria, is known for its ethnic and religious diversity, with a wide array of indigenous groups practicing Christianity, Islam, and traditional religions. However, this diversity has also made the state a hotspot for ethno-religious conflicts. These conflicts often arise from deep-seated tensions over issues such as land ownership, political representation, resource control, and cultural differences. The state's history of communal clashes has led to the killings of thousands of people, destruction of property, food insecurity, […]
- STATUS OF SOME CARDIO-HEPATO-RENAL, OXIDATIVE STRESS, AND INFLAMMATORY BIOMARKERS AMONG COMMERCIAL FISHERMEN IN KIRIKIRI WATERSIDE, LAGOS, NIGERIAby Egoro Emmanuel Tonbra, Musa Adeshina Saheed , Oni Emmanuel Sunday (Medical and Health Sciences European Journal) on February 11, 2025
Fishing is an occupation that is involved in the cultivation, processing, preservation, storage, transportation, marketing or sale of fish and its products. This study was aimed on the status of some cardio-hepato-renal, oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers among commercial fishermen in Kirikiri waterside, Lagos Nigeria. Five milliliter of blood was collected via venipuncture technique from each of the sixty commercial fishermen selected for this study and categorized into three groups: experimental group one made up of thirty within the age bracket of 24 .and 37 years who are […]
- SUSTAINABLE CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON FINANCIAL STABILITY IN NIGERIA’S FINANCIAL SERVICES SECTORby Nwabuisi Anthony Okorie, Odume Magnus Sunday , Iyidiobi-Agaba Felicia Cheluchi (European Journal of Marketing and Management Sciences) on February 11, 2025
The study examined Sustainable Credit Risk Management and its Influence on Financial Stability in Nigeria’s Financial Services Sector. The specific objectives are to: Examine the effect of loan impairment to total loans ratio on Financial Stability in Nigeria’s Financial Services Sector. Assess the effect of total loan to total assets on Financial Stability in Nigeria’s Financial Services Sector. The study employed an ex post facto research approach because the required data was already included in the financial statements and annual reports of Nigeria's financial services sector. The […]